How can I know if I am operating in trust?
The Lord showed me that I should turn it around and look at it from the opposite direction. If I found myself wallowing in feelings of disappointment then I would know that I was not operating in Trust. That became my barometer. Are you making it too hard? The Lord began to show me that we make it much harder than it needs to be. We try to make trust an emotion. We struggle and strive to try to muster up feelings of trust, yet that is not true trust! Trust, just like faith, starts by simply making an irrevocable decision to believe God’s Word, then reclining in His arms and leaving the rest to Him. Trust is a decision! It is not a feeling! Trust is also a resolution that we activate when we say to God, from our hearts: I don’t care what the situation looks like. I don’t care what my reasoning ability is dictating to me—I am just not going there! And I also don’t care if it looks as though You(God) didn’t come through. I don’t care what the world says. I don’t care what negative reports come down the pike. I don’t care what my emotions are dictating; I have made up my mind that from this day forth I am going to steadfastly trust what You have said. I will be obedient to do what You tell me to do; I will make Your Word my final authority; and then I will rest in You. And, when feelings of disappointment try to crowd in, I will make that my warning signal, and I will stop and renew my choice to trust in You. Then Lord, the rest is up to You.” It is really as simple as that. You don’t have to “feel” anything! This has to be an act of your will, not of your emotions. It has to be something you do on purpose, based on the promises God has clearly made, rather than something you do only if you happen to feel like it at the moment.