One night in December 2024, I dreamed I was sitting in my car, waiting for two other family members walking outside the car, when someone tapped me on my right shoulder. I wasn’t too alarmed; I just looked in the back seat and saw Matt B. sitting there. (Matt is someone from my hometown who is about five years older than me. I do not know him, but I know who he is.) Then I woke up. Later that day, I shared the dream with my parents and brother as we traveled by car together. I was bewildered as to why I would have Matt in my dream when I had probably never talked to him and hadn’t dreamed of him before. I had read a few books about dreams and knew names are important. I told my family that it probably had to do with my son, Matthew. The next day, I told Matthew about my dream, and I believed it was about him because of the weirdness of the other Matt showing up in my dream. I told my son to be careful. He just smiled at me. Every morning, I get up early to read the Bible, pray, and read an education book, like Psalm 91. I had already prayed Psalm 91 over my family, but on my way to work, I prayed Psalm 91 over Matthew specifically. I am a nurse, and while at work, I had to call a patient named Matthew. After the phone call, I said another quick prayer for my son. My phone rang around 1 pm, and I didn’t answer because I didn’t recognize the number. Later, I discovered my son’s work was trying to contact me, as I am the emergency contact. At 1:20 pm, my cell phone rang again, but this time it said Healthcare on my caller ID. I hesitantly answered it. It was the emergency room nurse informing me that my son, Matthew, was in the ER from a work accident—with a nail in his forehead. She told me that he was doing alright and they were getting ready to take him for a head CT scan. My world was shaken! I tried to keep myself calm. I immediately left work and tried calling my husband but had to leave a message. I reached my sister to have her notify the family for prayers as I headed to the hospital 30 minutes away. When I walked into the room and saw Matthew, we both began to cry. He was lying in a hospital bed with a nail embedded in his forehead just above the level of his eyes. I maintained composure as best as I could. I looked at the nurse and told her I had prayed Psalm 91 for him on my way to work. She looked at me with awe and didn’t say a word. The ER doctor explained that the nail went through the first layer of bone and was in the sinus cavity but did not go through the inner bone to penetrate the brain. Matthew was to be transferred by ambulance to a larger hospital in Traverse City to have emergency surgery to remove the nail. The doctor said Matthew was “very lucky” because that is the thickest part of the skull, and if it had gone anywhere else on his face, it would not have been a good outcome. The doctor ordered a STAT ambulance but warned that it could take 45 minutes to 6 hours for it to get there as Matthew was considered stable. With the prayers of my family for the ambulance to come quickly, it arrived within 30 minutes. The larger hospital was an hour and a half away. I followed in my vehicle and had to wait until Matthew was registered before I could see him. One of the surgeons came in and informed us he was waiting for the ENT Specialist who would be going to surgery with him. The surgeon said Matthew was the coolest patient in the ER. Again, we were told the nail was millimeters away from entering the brain. He said that Matthew was "very lucky." My sister had joined me by then, and we both replied that Psalm 91 protected him. There was no response from the surgeon. The ENT Specialist came in about 20 minutes later. After reviewing the CT scan images and talking with his colleagues, they decided Matthew did not need to go to surgery. He was going to take the nail out in the ER room. My sister said she didn’t want to be there for that. I was sitting at the edge of my chair and was confused as to why everyone was saying he needed emergency surgery, and then this doctor was saying he could just pull it out—right then. I was concerned. At the same time I was discussing this with my sister, the doctor walked over to Matthew and just pulled the nail out. No forewarning!! I flew back in my chair and got lightheaded. Matthew did fine. The doctor then applied pressure to stop the bleeding and applied Neosporin and a bandaid. Matthew was discharged to home about 15 minutes later. Gail Boughner I read your book Psalm 91 within this last year. I have since memorized the psalm and pray it every day over all, or over a specific family member. I truly believe that he was saved and protected by Psalm 91. Get the Book!