Take notice of what flies out of your mouth in times of trouble. The worst thing that can happen is for something to come out that brings death. Cursing gives God nothing to work with. This psalm tells us to do just the opposite—speak life!
One of those times that brought life to a death situation really stands out in my mind: The whole family was rejoicing when our daughter-in-law, Sloan, received a positive pregnancy test report and found that she was going to have the first grandchild on either side of the family. Since she’d had a tubal pregnancy once before that resulted in a miscarriage, making her highly susceptible for another, the doctor then ordered a sonogram as a precautionary measure. The disturbing result of the sonogram was—“no fetus found, a great deal of water in the uterus and spots of endometriosis.” With only two hours’ notice, emergency surgery was quickly underway, at which time the doctor performed a laparoscopy, drained the uterus, and scraped away the endometriosis. After the surgery the doctor’s words were, “During the laparoscopy we carefully looked everywhere, and there was no sign of a baby, but I want to see you back in my office in one week to be sure fluid doesn’t build back up.” When our daughter-in-law argued that the pregnancy test had been positive, he said there was a 99 percent chance the baby had naturally aborted and had been absorbed back into the uterine lining. After he left the room Sloan was the only one not fazed by the doctor’s report. What she said next surprised everyone. She emphatically stated that even the doctor had left her with a one percent chance, and she was going to take it. From that moment, no amount of discouragement from well-meaning friends who didn’t want her to be disappointed had any effect on her. Never once did she veer from confessing out loud Psalm 91 and another Scripture promise that she had found: —“My child will live, and not die, and declare the wonderful works of God (Psalm 118:17).” A treasured book that was very important to Sloan during this time was Supernatural Childbirth by Jackie Mize. A strange look came on the technician’s face the next week as she administered the ultrasound. She immediately called for the physician. Her reaction was a little disconcerting to Sloan until she heard the words—“Doctor, I think you need to come here quickly. I’ve just found a six week old fetus!” It was nothing short of a miracle that such severe, invasive procedures had not damaged or destroyed this delicate beginning stage of life. When I look at my grandson, it is hard to imagine life without him. I thank God for a daughter-in-law who believes in her covenant and is not ashamed to confess it out loud in the face of every negative report. Peggy Joyce Ruth From Psalm 91-Umbrella of Protection