It was July 4th weekend a few years back in Montana. Everything was normal that night… well, for the 4th anyway. My whole family was sitting on a blanket in a park watching the firework show—my mom, my dad, my sister and brother, our two dogs, and me. As the fireworks ended, my Dad had all of our stuff packed in a little red wagon we brought, while simultaneously holding the dogs on a leash, and we began walking back to our car. We had come to the road and we were getting ready to cross…but I was a little too impatient to get home so when my dad had signaled us to cross, I took off like an Olympian…except, not as fast…or graceful. Seemingly out of nowhere, I was struck by a red car, which was later reported to be going 45 MPH. Onlookers said I went flying straight up into the air but I never knew it—it felt like I was on the hood the whole time. The reason I don’t know is my eyes were closed and I couldn’t open them even if I had tried. Next thing I knew, I was on the ground! At that time all I could think about was “My family is going to be shocked and scared that I was just hit by a car—I need to calm them down.” So, I stood up in the blink of an eye and said “I’m ok!, I’m ok!” with a smile on my face.
What wasn’t such a big crowd before seemed to have tripled in size. However, my efforts to keep everyone calm seemed in vain as I could hear murmurs all around me, my mom rushing to me panicking, and also I hear my dad arguing with the driver of the car that just hit me. I look toward the car and I see the window is cracked severely and the front is very badly dented—it felt so smooth just a second ago, I thought to myself. At this point, my mom was very upset and praying Psalm 91 very loudly, and also had the whole family praying, and my sister blurts out: “If God is so powerful, why did this happen?” It really upset me. I scolded her instead, and said “God is so powerful that when things like this happen, He protects us supernaturally!” Immediately, to my surprise, the ambulance arrived and I couldn’t help but feel it wasn’t needed because I felt just fine. All I still wanted to do was go home, but they kept asking me questions to see if I was injured. I answered every question correctly so they said I was fine. My mom, though, is so good (sarcastically said) that she took me to the E.R. anyway and I sat there for hours! And all I had really wrong with me was a scratch on my middle finger and a small headache which barely lasted an hour. My mom insisted on X-rays and tests, but it wasn’t until after the doctor came in and told us that nothing was broken, we FINALLY went home. I remember telling her, “I always knew God had a plan for my life, but He really must have something big planned for me, huh?” And she definitely agreed. I was told the driver spent the night in jail for drunk driving. I’m thankful everyday that God protected me. –Avery, age 15 This family is actively involved in claiming the promises of Psalm 91 on a daily basis. It is a place they dwell as a family. You can see it in Avery’s story. Avery had Psalm 91 deep inside of him since he had started memorizing the whole chapter at age 4 and had it completely memorized by the age of 7. It had become such a part of him that when the accident happened he stated that he never felt fear and knew that he was protected even as the car hit him. Avery’s mom, was shouting “We have Psalm 91 protection!” as she watched her son go flying through the air like a rag doll and landing on his head on the windshield. She knew she prayed it daily over her family and even in the face of danger, it was a moment to find that secret place of the Most High. The front bumper where Avery hit was dented, the windshield was cracked all the way across with a spider-web crack where Avery’s head landed, and the hood had a caved-in dent where he landed before he went off the car—and yet God had Avery in the shadow of his protection. It was nothing short of a miracle when you think of the damage that boy did to the car, yet the car didn’t do damage to the 90-pound boy! From Psalm 91 for Teens