Because he has loved Me...I will set him securely on high because he has known My Name. –Psalm 91:14b TO BE SET SECURELY on high is the second promise to those who love the Lord and know Him by Name. What all is there to know about a name? When God wanted to show the people something important about Himself, or about His promises in the Old Testament, He would make it known by revealing another one of His covenant Names. His Name revealed Himself: Jehovah Jireh is above lack, His Name Jehovah Rapha is higher than sickness, His Name as Jehovah Shalom is above a revved up, restless mind. We see this theme of His Name above all other names also in the New Testament. ...which He brought about in Christ, when He raised Him from the dead, and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places, far above all rule and authority and power and dominion and every name that is named, not only in this age, but also in the one to come... and raised us up with Him, and seated us with Him in the heavenly places, in Christ Jesus. -Ephesians 1:20-21;2:6 God Pulls Up To Where He Is It is interesting that God pulls us up to where He is! Things look better from higher up. Our vantage point is greatly improved when we are seated with Him on high. God’s perspective from on High is, in fact, the only answer. Overwhelmed from viewing life at eye level, the concept of God’s promise to lift us on High is not only a fresh perspective, but, it is in reality, the only answer that works. The Bible often refers to the unique situation of being positioned on high illustrated in everything from Moses stationed at the top of the mountain (Exodus 17:8-16) to God’s admonition for us to mount up on wings of eagles (Isaiah 40:31) to the command to lift up our eyes (Psalm 121:1). Do You Know God's Name? Notice that this verse Psalm 91:14 uses the word “known”. Do you know Him by Name? These promises come out of a “knowing” relationship. This is not an “impersonal” God with whom you don’t interact. This promise is connected to knowing His Name. In the first two sentences alone, the psalmist refers to God by four different names. The writer refers to God as The Most High, revealing that He is the highest thing that exists. This implies much more significance when we realize we are set securely on high with the One who is Most High. Secondly, in the opening of Psalm 91, God is also called The Almighty, denoting that He is “all” mighty—the most powerful. Next, He is referred to as The Lord, revealing ownership. Then, the writer calls Him My God, making it personal. We see God unveiled in these four unique ways to the man who has known His Name. This promise of being seated securely on high is, therefore, reserved for the one who experiences God intimately. God says that the promises are ours— simply, because we know His Name. It might sound strange if someone said, “I serve ‘High’”. Yet, this is the way Psalm 91:1 first introduces His Name. God is “Most High”. And, we are positionally placed with Him by dwelling and taking refuge—in our God named “The Most High.” When you were a little child, did you ever go to a parade and find yourself unable to see the passing floats because of the throng of people in front of you? That happened to me once, and I remember my father picking me up and putting me on his shoulders. It was wonderful. From that high up, I was able to see the whole parade--not just what was passing right in front of me. I could look down the street and see what had already passed and what was yet to come! This psalm has built a case for the benefits of being in the shadow of the “Most” High. Verse by verse we see what this entails. Verse 14 connects His Name to the Promise. Out of all the promises it is the only one connected to His Name. How interesting to think that “the Most High” sets us on High. This gives us the concept that the Most High pulls us up so high with Himself that it makes harm unable to reach us. Don't Worry If You Are Afraid of Heights I will set him “securely” on high... Besides “securely” being a good promise for those afraid of heights, there’s a lot more being said. The adverb securely holds a lot of promise. It literally means you can’t be toppled. When you are positioned securely it takes away the fear and you begin thinking and operating from a different perspective. -Peggy Joyce Ruth Get the Book!