God gave me an illustration of this that I will never forget. Often He gives us an example in nature so we can better understand His Word. This one played out right before my very eyes and I was shocked at what I witnessed… My husband and I live in the country, and one spring, our old mother hen hatched some baby chicks. One afternoon, when the little chicks were scattered all over the yard, I suddenly saw the shadow of a hawk overhead. What happened next taught me a lesson I will never forget. What I thought would happen and what did happen were two different things. That mother hen did not run all over the barnyard and jump on top of those chicks in an attempt to cover them with her wings as one might have expected. I thought that old hen would pick her favorite chicks in a split second and run cover them. No! Instead, to my surprise, she squatted down, spread out her wings and began to squawk. Without hesitation, those little chicks came running to her from every direction and then ducked under those outstretched wings. All that mother hen did was cluck and expand her wings so they knew where to hide. Then she pulled her wings down tight, tucking every little chick safely under her. There was no way that hawk could get to those babies without going through that mother hen. When I think of those baby chicks running to their mother, it reminds me that we have to run to God. He does not run all over the place trying to put His covering over us. He said, “I have made protection available. You run to Me!” If one of those chicks had tried to hide itself or failed to heed its mother’s warning clucks, it would have been snatched up by the hawk. And, when we run to God in faith, it means the enemy has to go through God to get to us. There is no greater safety. Under the wings is very inviting. Knowing that promise of refuge is described as a literal wing thrown over you, should make you very feel safe and protected. - Peggy Joyce Ruth Get the Book