One of the things God spoke to me was that I must make the Word of God my final authority in every area of my life, and I remember how impossible that sounded at the time. I reasoned that there were things in the Bible that went so contrary to the world that I couldn’t imagine being able to function in this life while relying totally on the Word at the same time. It would be like trying to live in two different worlds simultaneously.
It was during this period of time that a friend invited me to go with her to hear a prophet who was ministering in this little church across town. I had never heard of a modern day prophet, and therefore, I was without a clue. To be honest, the only reason I consented to go was out of curiosity. The church was full and the only place I could find to sit was in the middle of one of the back pews, so I certainly was not in a conspicuous place. During the ministry time the prophet pointed straight at me and asked if I would come forward, because the Lord had a Word for me. I had never heard a prophecy before. I had no idea what to expect, but I certainly was not anticipating the gamut of emotions that followed. The Lord began to say through this prophet: God wants you to make up your mind that you are going to choose to believe His Word. God wants you to decide that you are going to make His Word your final authority. God just wants you to make a choice to believe Him over everything else. God wants you to make up your mind that from this day forth you are going to choose to believe His Word. I don’t know how many times that was repeated (maybe once for each 10,000 times I had doubted the Lord!), but it sounded like a broken record and my first wave of emotion was embarrassment over what all these people must be thinking. Finally, I forgot the people and started listening to what was being said. God was telling me how to do what I had been told to do earlier. He was giving me the secret for making His Word my final authority. Instantly, something inside me just clicked, and I realized that it was merely a choice— just a simple decision to believe God’s Word, and I didn’t have to feel anything. Standing there in that little church that night, I determined in my heart to make God’s Word my final authority—the most liberating thing I have ever done in my life. After I passed that first hurdle, the Word gradually started coming alive. God began to show me the schemes of the enemy over my life, and He spoke the words “exchange system” to me. As simple as this little exchange system sounds, it is the way in which we can win the battle against the enemy every time. No matter what the battle might be, every single time it will start in the mind and affect the emotions. It will be the same dynamics, no matter what area is being hit. Peggy Joyce Ruth From Tormented
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