ONE SUNDAY MORNING I was alone in my bedroom getting dressed, when suddenly and very quietly I had a vision. I didn’t know it was a vision at the time—I just knew something supernatural was happening. I was aware that I was sitting in my bedroom. I didn’t go into any kind of trance, but it was like I could see myself sitting in a chair—much like a dental chair—and a man dressed in white was standing beside me. The man told me to open my mouth, and when I did I could see a black tooth. Then my whole body became transparent, and I saw black roots going down through the trunk of my body and down my arms and legs. Next the man reached in and pulled out the tooth with all the roots, leaving holes all through my body. After that he told me to watch what must happen, and he started packing something in those holes until they were completely full. (I didn’t know until much later how significant that part of the vision was.) Finally, I was told to open my mouth again, and there was just a healed area where the black tooth had been. I was ecstatic. I thought the vision meant that the deliverance I had been asking for had taken place while I watched the removal of the tooth. What a relief to have this over with! I wish it had been that simple and that instantaneous. But for the moment, I was so thrilled that all I could think about was finding Jack and telling him what had happened. One heavenly, blissful night, just rejoicing in the Lord, was spent before the bottom fell out spiritually the next day. I can’t even remember what initiated it, but before I knew it I was emotionally as tormented as I had ever been. It was like the last eight years came crashing back upon me in an instant. I can remember going to the medicine cabinet and spilling medicine bottles all over the floor in a desperate attempt to, hopefully, find an old bottle of anti-depressant pills. I had not taken one of those pills for more than two years, but now I was in near hysterics. I went into a panic attack, frantically trying to think of something to do to keep myself from falling back into the pit I had just climbed out of. I forgot the vision! I forgot the two-year bubble of peace that I had experienced! I forgot everything. By this time we had met a couple at our First Baptist home church who had become our prayer partners. Jack and the other husband were both deacons in the church and through the lay renewals had experienced a deeper desire for more of God. And, as families, we would meet weekly to pray. I didn’t realize that they, and Jack, were desperately looking for someone who could help me. I also didn’t realize that God was still orchestrating circumstances to find me and bring me back to Him, in answer to the prayer I had prayed at the clothesline two years before. After finding a pastor and his wife who believed in deliverance, our prayer partners went to Jack with some cassette tapes given them on demons and deliverance. I found out later that Jack had thrown the tapes down, resolutely, saying, “I will not be a demon chaser.” However, when I continually got worse, he finally went searching for those tapes and said, “I’ll try anything!” The pastor asked us to pray and fast for three days and nights. We had never even missed a meal before, so we couldn’t imagine going three days without food. But it must have been supernatural because neither of us felt even a single hunger pang. I can’t truthfully say that I had any faith to believe that this would work, but it was like I had no other choice. I had tried every other avenue, and by this time I was numb, just simply going through the motions. True Deliverance at Last On the evening of the third day we met with the pastor and his wife and our Baptist deacon prayer partners. I had never read a book or heard a tape on deliverance, so I had no preconceived ideas. In fact, I had absolutely no idea what to expect, but they began to command a spirit of fear to come out in Jesus’ Name. From the stool in the middle of the room where I was sitting with my hands lifted up in praise, as I had been instructed to do, I felt very conspicuous and self-conscious until my hands and feet began to tingle so badly that the pain took my mind off my uneasiness. I didn’t make the connection that it had something to do with what they were saying. They continued to pray for me using their authority as believers. Later that evening, I was looking up at the ceiling and I had—not a vision, but a very vivid mind picture. I was in the throne room asking Jesus, “Why don’t You do something to help me?” And the Lord said something very significant that I have never forgotten. He said, “I have done all I am going to do. I have already done it all on Calvary.” With those words the pain left and peace just flooded my being. In fact, this was the first time I had felt the sensation of the torment actually leaving. They continued to pray for another two hours or more, and God’s anointing was obvious as they prayed for things they could not possibly have known about in the natural. After we went to bed that night, Jack and I talked for hours. We knew that the most phenomenal thing in the world had just happened, and we couldn’t share it with anyone. Who would believe it! Actually, we had no idea that anything like that existed in the entire world. We had stumbled onto something that Jesus had taught those first disciples to do. What psychiatry, well-meaning people, mind over matter, and even those who loved me most could not do, Jesus had done for me in one night’s time. I felt numb, but very peaceful. There was no doubt that God had supernaturally delivered me. -Peggy Joyce Ruth Read More: Need Help Getting Free Get the Book!