Have you ever experienced true contentment?
There is a void inside each individual which cannot be filled by any other person or any other thing, though many have tried to fill it that way. Jesus alone is the secret to contentment. Have you ever sat down to read your Bible or have a prayer time and your thoughts went into a thousand different directions? True contentment is learning to be in the Spirit all in one place (body, soul and spirit) at the same time—in the present. This simple practice is the hidden secret to contentment. Several years ago we were going to have the extended family together for a Sunday morning prayer breakfast, attend church together, then come back home for a birthday lunch. I had looked forward to that day for weeks; but when it finally came, I almost missed the joy of the occasion by not entering into the presence of the Lord and being involved in each individual activity—body, soul and spirit. Everyone got there a little before sunrise for our praise and prayer time. Even though I had breakfast laid out and ready to serve, my mind kept leaving the prayer time and racing between serving the breakfast, making it to church on time and having lunch ready. Finally, I felt God’s invitation to enter into His presence and I simply accepted the invitation. A decision was made in my spirit that whether I had breakfast ready or whether lunch was served on time, it didn’t matter. Now was prayer time and I would pour myself into that with my body, soul and spirit. Somehow, that decision helped me to refuse to let my mind think about anything in the past or race over into the future and ruin the present. The blessing that awaited that decision was unbelievable. The undivided time with the Lord and with my family was indescribable. This secret is not a gift bestowed like so many other blessings of God. This secret is simply a personal decision to be content in the present—body, soul and spirit. So when I feel I'm in a rush and my mind is wondering, I remind myself to be in one place—body, soul and spirit. Proverbs 14:30 A calm and peaceful and tranquil heart is life and health to the body. (AMP) -Peggy Joyce Ruth