TRUST is not an emotional choice. It’s a decision, not a feeling!
Trust, just like faith, starts by simply making an irrevocable decision to believe God’s Word and then leaving the rest to Him. 1 Peter 2:6 tells us that those who trust in the Lord shall not be disappointed. What an incredible statement! Most Christians never get total victory in any area because at some point they get disappointed. And even though they may never consciously realize it, deep down most disappointments are disappointments in God. Any time disappointment is allowed in we get offended with someone or something and we begin to stumble. Matthew 11:6 “Blessed is he who keeps from stumbling over Me.” It is choosing not to be disappointed that keeps us anchored in trust, and trust is the state of being that keeps us from stumbling. Trust and disappointment are direct opposite. And just as fear and faith are opposite and cannot operate at the same time, trust and disappointment cannot both operate at the same time. Those who trust the Lord shall not be disappointed—literally. Trusting is the prerequisite before we see the outcome. Disappointments Be Gone! The Lord gave me a simple little statement to say out loud every time I am faced with an opportunity to be disappointed. “Lord, in this particular situation (name the situation) I choose to trust You.” I have repeated that one phrase literally thousands of times. There is something about saying it out loud that kicks the whole process into gear and releases the trust. When trusting becomes a way of life, your life will become the most thrilling and exhilarating existence in the world. There is nothing more exciting than to anticipate, in faith, how God is going to work out our impossible circumstances. We invite you watch the video of our friend, Charles Rose Jr. He shared his story with us of how the book “Those Who Trust the Lord Shall Not Be Disappointed” helped him attend the University in the U.S. A native of the Bahamas, he was invited to the altar for prayer at his church along with all the students who would be attending college in the Fall of 2010. The priest asked them all to share their name and what college or university they would be attending. His heart wanted to attend UNC Charlotte in the U.S. but his mind reminded him he didn’t have his school fees. Should he play it safe and say he was going to the College of the Bahamas where it would be easier to afford? When it was his turn to speak, he boldly stated...“My name is Charles Rose Jr. I will attend the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.” It no longer was a secret wish I hoped and prayed for. It was now more real because I said it. Click the pic nearby for a short testimony. Get the Book!