Where Are You Trapped?
What makes you like the frog in a pan being warmed up until he eventually finds himself cooking? What is it that looks like it has the power to destroy your life? You fall for it time and time again. This is a baited trap. Realize that God warns us about the trapper (Satan) and that his traps are hand-baited to appeal to each individual’s weaknesses. What are your temptations? Are you being ensnared? Don’t be ignorant of Satan’s schemes, because if you are he will take advantage of you. (2 Corinthians 2:11) The Difference between Freedom and Bait When you were a child the biggest trap was trying to get through the grocery store line without falling for all the candy traps they put at eye level and within reach. However, as we mature we have more freedom to manage. There is a difference between traps and managing freedoms. Samantha became painfully aware that she had violated the trust of freedom that had been left in her hands with her statement: I began to tear myself up on the inside thinking about how my Mom must have had at least a little bit of trust for me since she hadn’t immediately turned the data off. Life is a process of each year learning to manage your freedoms. As you prove you can handle it, more and more responsibility is given to you and consequently more and more freedom. A 5-year-old isn’t allowed the car keys. Many high-school graduates who excelled in their grades, fail their first semester in college because it is such a shock when they have freedoms they have never had before. They suddenly have the option of sleeping in and skipping class. The first war a college freshman has is a war with his alarm clock and his bed. Sometimes it takes a year for this student with new-found freedom to find his spiritual muscle to overcome his fleshly desire to sleep in rather than the discipline to go to class. And this is where managing your freedom intercepts with baited traps! What appeals to your flesh? Doing the right thing appeals to us, it’s just we discover that the thing our flesh desires appeals to us more. Say hello to the trap! And some traps have spikes at the bottom! The flesh is a trap. As soon as you get freedom you find yourself at war with your flesh. It is a shock because up until this time, you have had other managers keeping you doing what is right. The Enemy Is Real To complicate this matter there is a real enemy that targets you. So it is more than just weak flesh with a lot of freedom, there is suddenly an opponent who wants to bring you down and attempts to get you into an area of bondage where you lose the freedom you have been given. So this verse on traps in Psalm 91 is very important to you as a promise. From Psalm 91 for Teens