The Lord gave me a simple little statement to say out loud every time I am faced with an opportunity to be disappointed. I am simply to say, “Lord, in this particular situation (name the situation) I choose to trust You.”
I have probably repeated that one phrase more than 10,000 times. And quite frankly, I don’t know what it is but there is something about saying it out loud that kicks the whole process into gear and releases the trust. You won’t necessarily be able to prevent certain thoughts from knocking at your mind’s door, but you can control which thoughts you allow in and think through—fear and doubt thoughts and “what if ” thoughts. Once you open up your mind’s door to mull over the possibility that the Word might not work every time, out goes the trust and in comes the disappointment. And at that point the Rock (the Word) becomes a stumbling block. I am giving you life and death information today that can keep your spiritual walk from taking a big detour! And I am not talking about positive thinking. I am talking about choosing to trust in God’s Word to the extent that you develop an expectancy that God will do exactly what He promises. This is also not a passive trust or a “whatever will be will be” kind of trust! This is a deep commitment that says, “Lord, I am trusting You in the middle of this impossible situation, and I know the time will come that I will not be disappointed—so I am making the choice not to allow feelings of disappointment to overtake me now.” In the simplest possible terms you are activating an expectancy in—and a dependency on—God’s integrity! This is also not a mind over matter situation in which you refuse to think about your situation until it either goes away or gets better. You are not psyching yourself up; on the contrary, I am talking about a supernatural intervention. God says, “If you trust Me you will not be disappointed.” God is big enough to work out any situation, no matter how impossible it looks. His Word tells us that He is the God of the impossible. But the degree to which we trust Him determines the degree of victory we will experience, because trust is basically the medium of exchange here. You can’t pay God but you can trust Him, and that’s exactly what He wants you to do. Now...there will be times when things don’t look so good, when you can see no possibility that a given situation can ever work out right. Those are the times when you need to make it a determination—a challenge—to trust God without reservation, because at that moment you will either win or lose the battle. When trusting becomes a way of life, your life will become the most thrilling and exhilarating existence in the world. There is nothing more exciting than to constantly anticipate, in faith, how God is going to work out our impossible circumstances. Peggy Joyce Ruth From Those Who Trust the Lord
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