The question is—“How do we dwell in the security and shelter of the Most High?” It is more than an intellectual experience. It is a dwelling place where we can be physically protected if we run to Him. You may utterly believe that God is your refuge, you may give mental assent to it in your prayer time, you may teach Sunday school lessons on this concept of refuge, and you may even get a warm feeling every time you think of it, but unless you do something about it—unless you actually get up and run to the shelter—you will never experience it.
Corrie Ten Boom tells a story of a man who certainly acted on the protection of the Most High! An Englishman, in WWII, who was held in a German prison camp for a long period of time, came to know the Lord. One day he read Psalm 91. “Father in heaven,” he prayed, “I see all these men dying around me, one after the other. Will I also have to die here? I am still young and I very much want to work in Your kingdom here on earth.” He received this answer: “Rely on what you have just read and go home!” Trusting in the Lord, he got up and walked into the corridor toward the gate. A guard called out, “Prisoner, where are you going?” “I am under the protection of the Most High,” he replied. The guard came to attention and let him pass, for Adolf Hitler was known as “the Most High.” He came to the gate, where a group of guards stood. They commanded him to stop and asked where he was going. “I am under the protection of the Most High.” All the guards stood at attention as he walked out the gate. The English officer made his way through the German countryside and eventually reached England, where he told how he had made his escape. He was the only one to come out of that prison alive. From Corrie Ten Boom’s book: Clippings from My Notebook pages 41-42