My Personal Deliverance StoryThe man told me to open my mouth, and when I did I could see a black tooth. Then my whole body became transparent, and I saw black roots going down through the trunk of my body and down my arms and legs. Next the man reached in and pulled out the tooth with all the roots, leaving holes all through my body. After that he told me to watch what must happen, and he started packing something in those holes until they were completely full
How a Mother Hen Protectors Her Baby Chicks - Psalm 91My husband and I live in the country, and one spring, our old mother hen hatched some baby chicks. One afternoon, when the little chicks were scattered all over the yard, I suddenly saw the shadow of a hawk overhead. What happened next taught me a lesson I will never forget. What I thought would happen and what did happen were two different things.
God Freed Me From the Fear of Diseases - Psalm 91
When Cathy was a very young girl, just two or three years old, she began having weird pains. Soon these pains caused her to become very fearful, and she started having panic attacks. Often, the fear was so great she thought she was going to have a heart attack in the middle of the night. Cathy’s mother had experienced similar fear, and this fear passed to Cathy at a young age. Her earliest memories were plagued with fear of fatal diseases..
"I Am A Psalm 91 Miracle
"I am a Psalm 91 miracle" those are the words of our dear and lifelong friend in the ministry, Dr. Jacob Kurien. He and Jack Ruth, were co-laborers, devoting their lives to Kingdom work but more, they were best friends. Traveling through Indonesia during February and March, Brother Jacob spent his days preaching for long hours as he is accustomed to during his ministry trips around the globe. This trip found him ministering in many places in which he preached to many Muslims about Christ. Previously in one of his most recent trips, an island sank..
When God's Angels Take Charge - Psalm 91
Verse 11 says, “For He will give His angels charge concerning you!” A friend of ours who was working in the mines in Clovis, New Mexico, had the responsibility of setting off the explosives. One particular day he was ready to push the switch when someone tapped him on the shoulder
God vs IntruderI was in my little bedroom just off the hallway, feet from the front door, and was studying the Word. Peggy Joyce Ruth had been teaching about Psalm 91 and God’s umbrella of protection over us. This Psalm meant so much to me—it was a love letter of protection. Suddenly I heard the front door rattle. I didn’t think much of it at first, but then it became persistent, as if someone was trying to get the door open. It rattled harder and harder, and then a male voice yelled, “Let me in! let me in! I know you are in there, let me in…”
Protection from Hurricane Andrew - Psalm 91 Story
Their windows and doors were covered over with plywood, water had been stored in barrels and everything outside had been securely held down or brought inside. As Pat listened to the news, the storm was headed straight for Miami with winds exceeding 150 mph, putting their home directly in its path
A Miracle on Four Legs
Bill, of course, is grown now, but when he was in his teens he started praying and believing God for a horse. Jack and I tried to discourage him because we didn’t want him to be disappointed, but he insisted that God had told him that he would be given a palomino horse that enjoyed being ridden, and that someone would come to know the Lord because of the horse. Skepticism ran a little high in both Jack and me when Bill claimed that the horse would also be an evangelistic tool.
How God Delivered Me From Being ShyAfter I graduated high school I knew I wanted to do something for God. I felt a call to ministry as a teenager, but feared God would ask me to do something outside my comfort zone. I knew it would be hard to be in any public ministry when I couldn’t even tell a waiter what I wanted to order at a restaurant. Knowing that I had to start somewhere, I signed up for a mission trip with Crosslines College Ministries. Little did I know God would use this trip to change my life forever.
Psalm 91 Miracle Baby
The whole family was rejoicing when our daughter-in-law, Sloan, received a positive pregnancy test report and found that she was going to have the first grandchild on either side of the family. Since she’d had a tubal pregnancy once before that resulted in a miscarriage, making her highly susceptible for another, the doctor then ordered a sonogram as a precautionary measure.
Can Angels Catch You?
My whole family was sitting on a blanket in a park watching the firework show—my mom, my dad, my sister and brother, our two dogs, and me. As the fireworks ended, my Dad had all of our stuff packed in a little red wagon we brought, while simultaneously holding the dogs on a leash, and we began walking back to our car. We had come to the road and we were getting ready to cross…
When God Prevents a House Fire
As the mound reached full blaze, the wind suddenly kicked up and started blowing unusually hard. A deafening roar brought all of us out of the house to find that what should have been a safely contained brush fire, which would have burned out quickly, was now a huge mass of unbelievably hot flames being blown straight toward the house
John G. Lake’s Psalm 91 Testimon
(March 18, 1870 – September 16, 1935)
I have often read accounts of the time when John G. Lake took foam from the Bubonic Plague in his hand and placed it under a microscope where people watched in amazement as the germs literally died instantly on contact with his hand. I was puzzled for years, wondering what kind of anointing he had on his life to bring about this supernatural phenomenon. |
How I Was Freed From Anxiety
The problems began when I was in grade school. I remember the overwhelming anxiety that would greet me every morning the moment I opened my eyes. Dread filled my body as I lay in bed staring at the ceiling. My stomach would be tied in knots as I sat at the breakfast table unable to eat my food. I was terrified to go to school.
Has God Ever "Hit" You in TrafficWe were in Baton Rouge. This place has some of the longest lasting red lights I have ever seen. People would turn their cars off while sitting there. This left us (two van loads of students on Spring Break) with plenty of spare time to do nothing...
Trusting the Lord to Start Building a HomeJack and I felt that the Lord was leading us to build a house in the country without going into debt. Instead, we were to look to Him continually to supply every need. This was a brand new adventure. I think our extended families thought we had lost our minds. But by the time the project was completed the experience had become such a training ground for us that the house itself had become like a fringe benefit. When Jack's father bought the "wrong lumber" the Lord had His way in surprising all us...
What Are You Allowing to Come In?I remember another incident that happened to me several years ago when my grandmother was in the hospital with an inflamed pancreas. That condition, of course, is not contagious, but as she began to describe the pain that she was experiencing a very subtle fear thought..
Freedom from drugsBeing raised with some exposure to church, and being a part of a family with solid biblical values, I knew right from wrong. But as I made my way through high school, the faith began to seem less and less relevant and as a result, my entire value system began to unravel. I either didn’t understand or didn’t believe that total satisfaction, completion, and fulfillment come only through a relationship with God. Since I didn’t realize that such a real and fulfilling relationship with God was available, I began to look for pleasure, completion and confidence elsewhere...
The Safest Place in the StormI am sure every one of you can think of something that represents security to you. When I think of security, shelter and protection, I have a childhood memory that automatically comes to mind. My parents would take me and my younger brother and sister out to a lake to fish for an afternoon of fun...It had been a beautiful day when we started out, but by the time we had finished our perch fishing and were headed toward the cove, everything changed. A storm came up on the lake so suddenly that there was no time to get back to the boat dock.
The God of Surprises With my new book in hand, I walked and read slowly through the snow and ice, crossing streets and walking through car-filled parking lots to the post office. Looking up slightly to check traffic at the street crossings and more so to ponder the words of the testimony of Staff Sgt. Heath Adams and how it related to the verse of scripture the author was I neared the door unconcerned by the possible danger associated with reading and walking in traffic over iced pavement, wearing the slipperiest shoes I own, I heard a voice call out, "Hey ma'am are you reading Psalm 91?"
Our Trip to Sid Roth - More Than a Destination
We "booked 'em" even at Roadside Rest Areas! Four of us traveled by automobile to Charlotte, NC recently. The back filled with luggage, but we made sure we had ample room for books to share along the trip. We marveled on the last leg of the 2500-mile journey once back in Texas at all the wonderful encounters we had with “strangers” along the way.
Approaching a full day of travel, we were nearing West Memphis, AR around 8 p.m. and began thinking about dinner. Stephanie heard the words, “Cracker Barrel”. We found one just off the interstate and stopped there. Our waitress, Cimyia, told us about herself at our prompting. |
Psalm 91 Protection from an F5 Tornado“It’s going to be bad,” he said. How bad? I thought, looking up into dark, ominous clouds. I always prayed protection over my students and I’d anointed their desks with oil early in the school year. But, today was unusual; I’d spent every spare moment praying and listening for God. There weren’t many children left at school by 2:30 when the principal’s words crackled over the loud speakers instructing everyone to take tornado precautions. This was not a drill..
Trusting God When There's Spots On Our Brand New Carpet
Excitement was running high, so you can imagine how I could think they were kidding with me when one of them came out to say, “Did you know that the carpet has big purple spots in it?...What he didn’t know was that during the last six months the local carpet company had gone out of business, and the owners had moved out of town, leaving no forwarding address. There was also no name of the carpet mill from which the carpet had been purchased!
God Sent A Cloud of Protection - Psalm 91 Testimony
Suddenly a huge white cloud materialized in what had been, only moments before, a totally clear sky. The cloud dropped down and shrouded the clearing, almost like an eclipse. There was no way for the Germans to see where to fire. Instantly Spencer and his fellow soldiers took off like runners in a race—this time competing, not for a metal, but for their very lives....
Walking Out of a Concentration CampCorrie Ten Boom tells a story of a man who certainly acted on the protection of the Most High! An Englishman, in WWII, who was held in a German prison camp for a long period of time, came to know the Lord. One day he read Psalm 91. “Father in heaven,” he prayed, “I see all these men dying around me, one after the other. Will I also have to die here? I am still young and I very much want to work in Your kingdom here on earth.” He received this answer...
Told to Evacuate from FireWe were told to evacuate around 4:30 this afternoon...they said that it was about a half mile up the road, not contained and moving quickly. I didn't have time to hook up a trailer and grab horses so, I remembered my prayer this morning and began speaking it all over again as my daughter and I got ready to leave...
Building a Brick House When the State Has Run Out of BricksWe knew we would need our bricks fairly early in the construction process because we were using them on the inside as load-bearing walls for the upstairs. But we weren’t overly concerned, because three months before we started construction we were told at the local brick plant that they needed only a week’s notice to have bricks for us.
Can God Help You Build a Home?Back in 1977, Jack and I felt that the Lord was leading us to build a house in the country without going into debt. Instead, we were to look to Him continually to supply every need. This was a brand new adventure. I think our extended families thought we had lost our minds. But by the time the project was completed the experience had become such a training ground for us that the house itself had become like a fringe benefit
A Satisfied Life - A Psalm 91 Story
I could hardly believe what my eyes were seeing and my ears hearing as I sat in Ms Stella Marshall’s room and listened to her life story. Watching her have no need for glasses or a hearing aid, hearing her answer questions with the sharp mind of a twenty year old, and noticing that she didn’t have to take her teeth out at night, I was in awe when Stella told me all about her ninety-fifth birthday party she had enjoyed the day before. I would have guessed her to be not a day over seventy years old.
Tornado Headed to Our New Home - Psalm 91
Late one night, soon after building our new home in the country, we were faced with a severe weather alert. The local radio station was warning that a tornado had been sited just south of the country club—the exact location of our property. We could see several of the React Club vehicles parked on the road below our hill as the members watched the funnel cloud that seemed to be headed straight for our house.
The Gun Pointed To My Head Didn’t Fire – Not Once, but Twice
This is why I share Psalm 91 every chance I get! It was August 13, 1993. I was working as a truck driver who traveled the same route multiple times a week. I stayed my usual overnight stay in the same hotel in Cocoa Beach, Florida. My alarm went off at 4 am, and I was outside soon after at the back parking area away, visually inspecting my truck tires as I walked. I opened my door to step up and into the cab; my briefcase and bag were with me. “Hey man, hey...
From The Hospital Bed to Home in 3 DayI called an ambulance and followed them to a local hospital. They would not let me see or talk to anyone and said they would call me...A few days later, my daughter and I went to a park in Houston to take a walk and get some fresh air. While there, I called my husband’s room and spoke to him. There was a different doctor in there who wanted to talk to me..